Congrats to all of the workshop particpants! Yesterday's screening was well attended - over 70 people packed into the Walker's Lecture Room to view all of the class projects. To be honest, I was really suprised to see that many people turnout for a student presetation. Being mentioned on probably helped - thanks for the post wooster!
Anyway, now that the class is over we would like to present the projects to those of you that couldn't be at the presentation. For more info on each project, scroll down and read the previous posts. Click on the images for the video. Enjoy.
Lauren Patridge & Alex Nelson
Cheapo Records, Lake St. and Dupont
Bailey Hayden
Uptown Army Recruiting Station, Lake St. & Lyndale
Paris Fairbanks
Church, Lake St. & Bloomington
Claire Passer & Madalin Schaaf
Car Dealership, Lake St. & 42nd
Monica Gould
South High School
James Kleiner
Jordan Stop Gas Station, Lake St. & Columbus
Nico McCellan
Arby's, Lake St. & Hiwatha
Jessie Zubiran
Dunn Bros. Coffeehouse, Lake St. & River Road
Vlad Gruin
Van, Lake St. & 42nd
Nick Gerads
Lake St. & Lyndale